The appearance of distortion on your monitor is quite unpredictable, depending on its causes. The simplest ones can easily be remedied with programs that specialize in removing discolorations and stuck images on the screen. The more serious ones, on the other hand, involve serious repairs, which may require the replacement of some parts. To give you a clearer view, here are the causes of TV distortion:
Dropping the monitor and other physical damage
Leaving the monitor with an idle screen for long hours
Damage to the TV lens.
Faulty TV posistor, which governs the clarity of TV images.
Computer monitor may be too old and needs to be replaced.
Ceiling Speaker Mount
The final cause in the list is relative. However, some monitors, especially frequently used ones, don't last for decades, since their parts eventually wear out. Monitors are, of course, more durable than computers, but they are also to be replaced with a newer model after some time.
There are many ways for you to remove TV distortion, some as easy as tweaking the picture settings of your monitor while others come in the form of pricey repairs. You can do the simple solutions, since they are easy. However, if you need to tinker with the TV's internal components, better leave the job to the repairman. A slight nudge or installation errors might damage your monitor even further.
Toggle or Turn the Focus Setting
Turning the focus switch or setting is your most basic solution to remove TV distortion. By tinkering with that setting, you can gradually adjust the screen's clarity until the distortion is removed. Turn the knob or toggle on the focus setting slowly, so you can get the best picture quality offered by the monitor. This comes as your first troubleshooting step, since the distortion can merely come from your child playing with the monitor or any similar scenario.
Hold the Brightness and Contrast Buttons Simultaneously
By holding the brightness and contrast buttons at the same time, the monitor's degaussing function is triggered. The screen, in effect, will gradually display varying colors and different levels of brightness, removing distortion in the end. The remedy doesn't always work, though. Some distortion problems require a higher level of degaussing, which is provided by degaussing programs that can be bought from software shops or downloaded from the internet.
Degaussing Program
Degaussing programs and lens aberration removers are specifically made to deal with TV distortion. When these programs run, they activate a diagnostic that gradually removes distortion. They are pretty effective, since they synchronize with the monitor's lens and picture-related functions. Free programs are available on the internet, most of them can be found by searching for them with a reputable search engine. The highly recommended ones, however, are bought from software shops, or even video stores.
Soldering Gun Degaussing
The heat emitted by the soldering gun can erase the marks and discolorations on your TV screen. Point a soldering gun, not soldering iron, at the middle of the screen. It should be close to the screen, but avoid contact. Move the gun slowly, from the center to one of the screen's edges. Return the gun to the center then do the same process with the other edges until the distortion fades.
Tape Eraser Degaussing
A tape eraser contains a fairly powerful electromagnet, which erodes and eventually erases TV distortion. From a foot away, switch the tape eraser on. Approach the screen, as you turn the magnet in a circular motion. Once you see the distortion, move away from the screen, maintaining the magnet's movement. The distortion, as a result, will follow the motion and fade in the process.